Holidays mean different things to different people. For some, it is a chance to enjoy time with friends and family. Others simply welcome the time off from work or school. For me, holidays are some of the few days of the year when my entire extended family is together. It is a time for us to eat, talk, and laugh. I have noticed that, in my family, the men and women usually separate. Some of my fondest memories are when my mother, grandmother, aunt, and I sit around and share gossip and laughter. We seem to form a little club which no one else understands. We forget about deadlines and many little problems we are facing. This Easter will undoubtedly be the same for my family.
Does your family have any specific traditions that they take part in around Easter? I remember that instead of Easter baskets, my neighbors would go out and gather wildflowers to create an "Easter nest." I was always secretly jealous of their tradition because it sounded like so much fun :)