Biziuk, M. "Occurrence and
Determination of Pesticides in Natural and Treated Waters."Science Direct. Sciverse, 22 Nov. 1996. Web.
11 Apr. 2013.
This is a source that will help me in my research of the negative effect of pesticides on the environment.
This article begins by identifying water as a very valuable and increasingly diminishing resource. The authors explain that pesticides are a large contaminant in surface water and ground water, and that water is one our most valuable resources. The article then explains the most common pesticides found in water, and why this is such a problem. Lastly, the article describes techniques for pesticide removal from surface water.
Overall, this is a good article, but some of the information is not relevant to my research. It is particularly confusing as the author talks about the more scientific techniques for removing pesticides from water. However, the beginning of the article is easy to understand and relays important information.
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