Friday, February 22, 2013

Big City vs. Small Town

I was born in Dallas, Texas and have lived there my entire life. I love living there, but it is certainly not for everyone. People are in a hurry, the traffic is a nightmare, and you rarely bump into anyone you know. It is definitely a business focused, fast paced atmosphere. This view does not necessarily sound appealing, but what about a big city draws people to it? Is it the multitude of restaurants, shopping, or the business opportunities?

I love the convenience of having any store one could possibly imagine being located within a 20 minute drive from my house. Also, in my opinion, the Downtown Dallas skyline is one of the prettiest parts of the city. There is something about driving past or through downtown at night that brings me great memories and happy feelings.

What if you grew up in a small town? Although I cannot give a first-hand account of that, I do know that the culture is very different from that of a big city. When visiting small towns, I get the sense that there exists a much more laid back atmosphere, with camaraderie between neighbors. However, as far as shopping and restaurants go, there seems to be much less to choose from! Of course, my opinion could be incorrect, as I have grown up in Dallas all my life.  
Obviously, a big city and small town are two extremes that exist in the United States. Although these are all that I discussed here, there are many in-between cities!
Are you a big city person, or are you more suited to living in a small town? What about these cultures draws you to them, or makes you want to avoid them? 


  1. Elizabeth,
    I liked your post and you bring up an interesting point of what attracts people to these big/small communities. I personally grew up in town with a little over a thousand people making my home town very different then Dallas. Growing up seeing the same familiar faces everyday verses rarely seeing the same person twice are two very different cultures that our world is comprised of.

  2. I grew up in the suburbs, in a fairly large town. So there was the convenience of stores that were close by, but my home was insulated from the hustle of shopping. I would like to move to the city when I graduate because of the easy access to museums, theaters, and parks.
