Friday, March 1, 2013

Culture of Marriage

The idea of marriage and relationships is all around us-in music, movies, commercials, and radio. We are constantly bombarded with the notion that we should find a partner to marry and start a family with. Although there is nothing wrong with wanting this, I do have to wonder if we experience subtle pressure to find this in a certain time frame.

Although I can only speak from the point of view of a woman, I think it depends on your environment. I personally have experienced a little pressure to find a serious boyfriend before I graduate. However, I do not think it has any influence on being focused on a career as well. In one of my groups of friends, the majority are in a serious relationship and are definitely headed toward marriage in the future. I do not wish to make any judgments, but sometimes I sense that they are more reluctant to participate in activities (on or off campus) without their significant others. However, they are also highly focused on their school work. In my other group of friends, most are not in relationships. These are the people who are always up for hanging out or participating in things around campus. They are perfectly content not being in a serious relationship and they are also very focused on careers.

There is nothing wrong with either of these circumstances, but I definitely feel that they are different. I have to admit that I sometimes feel that certain people are not happy unless they are in a relationship, and these are the people that are in a rush to get married after graduation. I wonder if they are missing out on important friendships in college?

How do you feel about this topic? Do you think men face the same pressures? Do you agree that these pressures even exist?


  1. I definitely agree with you. I think that this pressure girls feel to have a serious boyfriend before they graduate college is especially present in the south. In Kansas, where I am originally from, when I talk to people about their lives in college, relationships are not usually on their radar. On the other hand, I am in a sorority here at A&M and we have engagements happen all the time. I think sometimes we get fooled into thinking this is the norm everywhere, but that isn't true.

  2. I feel as though it’s common for women to feel pressure to get married while men are happy to be in an intimate relationship without the commitment of marriage. Personally, I want to be established with a well off job so I can provide for my wife before committing to something as serious as marriage.

  3. I agree that the pressure to be in a relationship is EVERYWHERE, and I think you are prone to feel the pressure most when you are not in one. Everytime I am home I am bombarded with questions from anyone and everyone about my relationship status. Why is everyone so concerned? I am here first and foremost to get a degree NOT a husband.

  4. As someone in a long term relationship, there is also lots of pressure to propose after some set time. The norm is to date for a while then get married soon. It's not really encouraged to date indefinitely until both parties are set in their careers and ready to marry.
